Aus meinem Poesiealbum (XXI) – Laokoon

„Laocoon Pio-Clementino Inv1059-1064-1067“ von Hagesandros, Athanadoros, und Polydoros - Marie-Lan Nguyen (2009). Lizenziert unter Public domain über Wikimedia Commons -
„Laocoon Pio-Clementino Inv1059-1064-1067“ von Hagesandros, Athanadoros und Polydoros – Marie-Lan Nguyen (2009). Lizenziert unter Public domain über Wikimedia Commons.

Sausages are human history. Laocoön, who tried to stop the Trojans from hauling the wooden horse inside the walls of Troy, was a prominent sausage merchant of the town who got into an argument with two of his sons about the flavouring in a couple of long links of liverwurst the boys had made and the whole argument ended up with not only the three of them all tangled up in the liverwurst but as a statue, possibly by Athenodorus or maybe Agesander, in the Vatican in Rome. It is an absolute masterpiece of anatomical knowledge.

Richard Condon
The Final Addiction

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